The Great Xi’an Scavenger Hunt

This past Saturday, Los Tres Stooges that are Patrick Antony, Shane, and Daemon organized our very first Great Xi’an Scavenger Hunt to great success. There were 11 teams of three’s and four’s comprising of over 30 participants! Everyone chipped in 20 yuan toward the pot, grabbed the hunt list from Patrick, and proceeded to “discover Xi’an” by means of this epically bizarre method.

From 2pm to 7pm on that sunny Saturday, the city saw funny sights of groups of Laowais and Xi’anese alike doing ridiculous things such as chugging shots of baijiu at KFCs and doing shirtless crap flexes in the middle of bewildered crowds. The scavenger list composed of many items, from easy tasks such as finding a Mao hat to absurd items such as getting a permanent tatoo or getting a local to kiss a team member on the cheek. And even though the participants were reluctant at first, by the end of the day we were doing tai-chis with the locals and performing on the street to elicit a measley 2 kuai from a passerby. All in all it was great fun.

Here’s a video of what I could capture that day. Unfortunately I couldn’t be everywhere all at once so I couldn’t get some of the funnier stuff that the other teams did. But you should be able to get the gist of the general absurdity that occurred by looking at the photographs from the various teams.  They will probably put them up in the next month’s edition of Xianease.

Thank you Patrick, Sean, and Daemon for a great Saturday discovering Xi’an. And thank you everyone for a ridiculously fun day. Hopefully the next one will be even crazier. Until then, enjoy the video 🙂






One response to “The Great Xi’an Scavenger Hunt”

  1. Rita Wendy Avatar
    Rita Wendy

    These are things worth remembering:)
    Ps: Can you send me this video? I want to save it on my laptop…

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