Jacky Cheung – 月半弯 Yue Ban Wan – Lyrics and Translations


月半弯,  倚于深宵 
Yuet bun waan, yi yu sam siu

A half cresent Moon, appears deep in the night

man fung hing piu

the night breeze softly blows

一张俏脸泛着, 半点的醉意

yat jeung chiu lim faan jeuk,  bun dim dik jeui yi.
A pretty face flooded with a touch of drunkenness

夜已醉了 夜已醉倒了
ye yi jeui liu , ye yi jeui dou liu
The night is drunk, the night has fallen drunk

yeung ta on jing dou tin hiu.
let it be quiet until dawn.

我记得 与你一起 
ngo gei dak yu nei yat hei

I remember being with you

ngo sam gou fei

My heart was flying high

wui gap chuk tiu dung syut jan seui yiu nei

It would pound rapidly saying it really need you.

让我看你 让我细赏你
yeung ngo hon nei, yeung ngo sai seung nei

Let me look at you, let me admire you

陪你身边 今晚
pui nei san bin, gam maan

Let me accompany you tonight


yeung ngo kaau zoek nei dik bei ngaak
Let me lean on your arm

lau lou ngo yit oi sam dai syut waa
And reveal my love, words from the bottom of my heart

yan yuk    mei lai wan hing oi yi
Creating a beautiful and warm love

做梦 都是你
jou mung,  dou si nei
All my dreams, they are of you.


夜已深 我心思思  你的丰姿
ye yi sam, ngo sam si si, nei dik fung ji
As the night goes deeper, my heart keeps thinking of your graceful posture

只想你便是 我的天使
ji seung nei bin si ngo dik tin si
Just thinking that you are my angel.

未见半秒 便控制不了
mei gin bun miu, bin hung jai bat liu
Even if I don’t see you for half a second, I would lose control

难以心安 于今晚
naan yi sam on, yu gam maan
And its difficult to feel peace.  Regarding tonight 

yeung ngo kaau zoek nei dik bei ngaak
Let me lean on your arm

lau lou ngo yit oi sam dai syut waa
And reveal my love, words from the bottom of my heart

yan yuk    mei lai wan hing oi yi
Creating a beautiful and warm love

做梦 都是你
jou mung,  dou si nei
All my dreams, they are of you.






One response to “Jacky Cheung – 月半弯 Yue Ban Wan – Lyrics and Translations”

  1. Will Avatar

    Thanks for putting this up Huey

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